Long time no writing

Now, it really has been a long time since this page was updated.
There have been two or three years of covid/corona in society and very little activity in the band.
As if that wasn't enough, we sadly lost our friend and piano/keyboard player Dick Sörholm.
He died of illness in the month of March 2023.
We really miss you a lot buddy!

Anyway, we've decided to keep playing, it's just too much fun to stop. But we will continue as a trio and hire musicians where needed for gigs and in the studio for a while to come.

We have a lot going on, for example;
A new CD album that will be released on the 14th of July.
Live performances in the summer of 2023.
Newly written songs to be released for streaming summer/autumn 2023.
New t-shirts etc.

We wish you a rockin' good summer!

Patrick / Mikael / Peter